Empowering service professionals to thrive
Connect, manage and grow your business with ease.
Join Prexi
Prexi makes it easy
Personalized Profiles
Service professionals can create detailed profiles showcasing their skills, experience, and portfolio, enhancing their visibility to potential clients
Streamlined Business
Prexi automates appointment scheduling, client communications, and financial transactions to simplify daily operations.
Review Management
Reviews are directly linked to individual profiles, allowing professionals to build their reputation based on personal feedback and ratings
Discovery Section
A dedicated area within the app that enhances visibility by featuring service professionals to potential clients based on search criteria and preferences.
Core Benefits of Prexi
Efficient Workflow Integration
Manage tasks from a single platform, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual effort.
Centralized Client Management:
Prexi centralizes client data, facilitating personalized service and efficient relationship management.
Integrated Financial Tools
Prexi simplifies financial oversight with tools for transaction management and income tracking.
How to use Prexi
Prexi simplifies the process of finding and booking services. It's about discovering talented professionals, making informed choices, and enjoying a seamless booking experience.
Discover Services
Explore a wide range of services—from haircuts and tattoos to makeup and photography all in on place
Evaluate Professionals
Browse through profiles, portfolios, and reviews to find the perfect fit. See their work and learn about their expertise.
Book with Confidence
Once you've found your ideal service provider, booking is easy. Simply select a date, time and confirm.
Involvement of A.I. with Prexi.
About us
Prexi was founded with a clear vision: to create a seamless, all-in-one platform for service professionals. Frustrated by the fragmented and inefficient systems available, we set out to build a solution that addresses the unique challenges faced by service providers and their clients.
Building Prexi
Building Prexi
We are Prexi
Your voice matters.
Help shape the future of personal services
Calling all service professionals! Help shape the future of personal services by sharing your insights with Prexi. Take a moment to complete our Google Form and be part of this exciting journey. Your input is essential for unlocking the full potential of Prexi!
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